Workflow: Set up user management
The user management workflow includes tasks in both Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface. and User Management Module that an administrator uses to create a profile for each employee in their organization.. To set up and manage employees, the basic process includes just a few steps.
A root organization is created during the WFO installation and configuration process. The root organization cannot be deleted.
Under the root organization, you can set up an organization hierarchy according to your company’s business structure or requirements.
Roles are assigned to users to define their access permissions. Each role includes associated privileges. The included privileges control whether a user can access, view, and use the features and data in the different system applications.
Create an individual employee profile.
Each employee in the system has a profile. You can create them manually, or import employee data from a file or from the Windows domain.
To access the system, an employee needs to have unique sign-in credentials and to be activated.
Roles and privileges control the functionality to which users have access; scope controls where they can use a given functionality.