Apply effective dates for wages, quality score, and employee rank
You can apply effective dates for wages, quality score, and employee rank on the employee profile. Effective dates enable you to maintain historical information for key employee attributes, such as organization, supervisor, and minimum or maximum hours. They also associate attributes with a date on which the change becomes effective (such as a change in wage), or a date range for which the change is effective (such as a temporary change of supervisor).
Go to User Management Module that an administrator uses to create a profile for each employee in their organization.. Under Employees, select Profiles.
From the Name list, select an employee.
On the Profile: <Name> page, go to Administrative Details.
Select the pencil icon next to the item to configure: Wage Amount, Quality Score, or Rank.
Next to Effective Dates, select one of the effective date options: Update value for current period, Insert value for period from, or Insert valuefrom.
Enter the effective dates.
The As of Date on the profile page, along with the current period in which this date falls, determines the from date.
Do one of the following, as needed:
Enter a value between 0.00 and 999.99 in the Wage box.
Enter a value between 1 and 100 in the Quality Score box.
Enter a value between 1 and 9,999 in the Rank box.
To save these changes and close the pop-up page, select Set.
The Profile reflects the changes made.
Select Save.
Apply effective dates for organization, supervisor, team lead, and job title