Delete an organization

Deleting an organization deletes not only the organization, but objects and data associated with the organization. As a rule, you should not delete organizations.

Consequences of deleting an organization

  • All data associated with an organization including, but not limited to, employees, leaf organizations, work queues, groups, activities, and work rules Rules in WFM that determine how employees are scheduled, and reflect both the needs of the organization and the individual employees. as well as historical performance and productivity data is deleted.

    Historical data for an organization is shown in QM Reports even after an organization is deleted.

  • All associated sub-organizations and data that are associated with the organization are deleted.

  • Employees that belong only to that organization are deleted at midnight of the day the organization is deleted.

  • Employees who were associated with the organization at one point, but who are not part of the organization when it is deleted show a gap in their continuous record. The organization that they were assigned to prior to the now-deleted organization is extended to cover that gap.

  • Agent QM evaluations are not deleted; however, the evaluations are no longer accessible via the user interface.

Rename rather than delete

To clean up the organization hierarchy, rename rather than delete organizations. To move an organization to the bottom of the hierarchy, add a prefix such as ZZ_ to the organization name. By not deleting the organization, you preserve evaluations and other historical items associated with that organization.

Before you begin 

  • Active employees and work queues required to support the business are unlinked from the organization

  • Work rules and activities associated to the organization are no longer needed.


  1. Open the Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface. module in the Organization Settings window.

  2. On the left panel, select the appropriate Leaf Organization.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. At the message prompt, click OK to confirm the deletion.

Organization Settings

Edit an organization

Recalculating effective date changes (Scorecards Product that assists agents, supervisors and all contact center employees to focus on critical aspects of their performance and identify opportunities for improvement. Administration Guide)