Create a program for long term forecasts

Programs are used by Long Term Forecasts to collate periods and queues that the Long Term Forecast Feature in WFM used to estimate the required resources for a specific scheduling period based on historical data. The data in a forecast includes interaction and work volume, and Average Handling Time (AHT). can be generated for. A program contains one or more periods, called program ranges, which have the same duration but different start dates.

For example, a 12-month program can have multiple ranges defined over that period, as more historical data becomes available. Initially a range can be defined for 12 months, from a specified start date and a Long Term Forecast generated. Then after 3 months, another range could be defined and a new Long Term Forecast generated, which includes the most recent data from the queues. This could be repeated indefinitely as new historical data becomes available.

Once a forecast has been generated for a program, you cannot edit the queues in the program.

Long Term Admin is available to Verint Cloud customers with the appropriate licence.


  1. Go to Forecasting and Scheduling. Under Forecasting, select Long Term Admin.

  2. Select Create new in the left pane.

  3. Add a Name and select the Timezone for the program.

    The Name field must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).

  4. Set the Visibility to determine who can view and edit the program.

    Setting the program as Private means that only the creator can view or edit the program. Otherwise the program can be edited by anyone in the same organization.

  5. Set the duration for the program ranges. All ranges added to the program are set to this duration.

    1. To set the unit, select Months or Weeks.

    2. If Weeks selected, set the start day for the program range.

      When Months is selected, the start of the range is always the first day of the month.

    3. Set a value for the duration based on the unit selected. The maximum values are

      • Months: 36

      • Weeks: 53

  6. Select Add range... A program must have at least one range.

    You can delete ranges by selecting one or more and then selecting .

  7. In Add Range, select the range start date. Only dates matching your selected criteria are available for selection.

  8. To add queues to the program, select Manage queues.

    1. Select an Organization from the hierarchy in Organizations.

    2. Select one or more queues (up to a maximum of 250) from those available.

      The queues displayed depend on the Media and Queues from filters:

      • Media: select to show queues for all media types or only for a specific type.

      • Queues from: choose to show only queues defined on the Selected orgs or from the Selected and sub-orgs, which includes any queues from the selected organization and its suborganizations.

      You can also use the text search to filter the list of queues.

  9. Select one or more queues to add to the program and Select Apply.

  10. Select Save.

Creating a program based on an existing program

A quick way to create a program is simply to copy an existing one. All ranges and queues that are part of the program are copied across into the new program.


  1. Go to Forecasting and Scheduling. Under Forecasting, select Long Term Admin.

  2. Select the program to copy in the left pane.

  3. Select Copy.

  4. In the dialog you can change the default name, then select Copy.

  5. You can now edit the program, then select Save.

Create a long term forecast