Flex time request form

Use the flex time request form to create a request to take time off during an approved shift Work period in WFM that has a definite length. and specify when to make up the time taken.



Request Summary

Employee Name

Name of the employee.

This field is available when someone is creating the request for an employee.

Time Off Type

Indicates the time off type (activity Core component of both schedules and time records in Workforce Management (WFM). When an employee performs any kind of work, activities specify the scheduled work and capture employee adherence to their schedule.) for this request.

Add Comment

Text of any comments added by the manager or employee.

Time Off Choice

(start date)

Calendar icon is available for selecting the start date and time of the time off.

(end date)

Calendar icon is available for selecting the end date and time of the time off.


Displays the duration of the requested time off.

Hours Accounted

Displays the number of the employee time off hours in the request.

For example:

  • A flex time request is for three hours

  • One of the three hours is over lunch

Therefore, the time listed in this column is 02:00.

Time off Calendar

(month and year selectors)

Changes the starting month of the time off calendar.

By default, the current month and year are selected.

Legend button

Shows the legend for the time off calendar.


Shows the calendar for the selected starting month and year.

Flex Makeup

(date selector)

Date of the makeup time.

Shift information


Shift name.


Time the shift starts.


Activity for the shift.


Total length of the shift.

Flex Makeup information


Indicates when the makeup time will occur.


Indicates the activity during the makeup time.

The list of activities that appear in this drop-down field and are available for selection are the activities defined in the employee's work pattern Set of shifts in WFM (usually a weekly set of shifts) that are assigned to employees. A work pattern typically includes one or more shifts and possible days off for one week..


Indicates the duration of the makeup time.

By default, the Duration field contains 0.15 and the Hours Accounted contains 00:15 at the end of the current shift.

Makeup Gap

Indicates the desired gap between the start of the shift gap and the start of the makeup time.

Example: The scheduled shift has a Gap from 2:00 to 4:00 with a Makeup Gap of 1 hour. The employee is making up 30 minutes. Therefore, the Makeup Shift starts at 3:00.

Hours Accounted:

The hours in this section must match the Hours Accounted in the Time Off Choice section.



When applicable, alerts are displayed.


Description of the alert.