Create a group

You can set up groups hierarchically with multiple levels. The groups you create are children of the root group. You can create a group hierarchy Hierarchy set up by administrators (via the EM) that is structured according to a specific logical structure defined by the administrator. under the root group that is created during installation. Use the groups to aggregate different types of information about individuals from different or parallel organization levels.

Once employees are added to a group, however, you cannot create a child group below it.



  1. Go to the Organization Management Module in WFO that allows administrators to set up different hierarchies to manage users from a single, unified, Web interface. module and under Hierarchies, select Group Settings.

    The Employee Group Form opens, with the top-level group (root group) selected. If you have already created one or more groups, and assigned members to them, the Members area of the page shows the list of all the members and the subgroups to which they belong.

  2. Select the group to which you want to add a child group and click Create.

  3. Select Save .

  4. In the left panel. the new group is listed below its parent group.

  5. Contine creating groups as needed.

  6. Once you have finished creating all the group levels you require, add members to the lowest levels of your group hierarchy.

Add members to a group